Eleventh Annual Picnic - The Old Settlers of Harvey County


Eleventh Annual Picnic - The Old Settlers of Harvey County


Harvey County (Kansas) --History


Souvenir program from the 1899 annual event


Old Settlers Committee


Halstead Public Library, Halstead, Kansas


Halstead Public Library, Halstead, KS









Old Settlers Committee, “Eleventh Annual Picnic - The Old Settlers of Harvey County,” Halstead Digital History Collections, accessed January 30, 2025, https://halstead.digitalsckls.info/item/2.

Annual Picnic.
The Old Settlers
Harvey County.
Halstead, August 10th '99
Rates: $2 per Day. Good Sample Rooms.
HARD and SOFT . . .
It Will Pay you to See me Before Buying your Threshing Coal.
2,000 pounds to the Ton.
Halstead, - - Kansas,
$100.00 Given Away.
McManus’ “Harvest Contest” begins August 10th.
See the Big Bill for list of Prizes. Every product raised on the farm brought to our store before September 1oth. will be entitled to a prize.
McManus’ sD.^rtn"nt Newton, Ks.

First in Advertising.
.^First in Quality.
First in Low Prices.
First in Everything in our Business.

Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Wall Paper, watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Musical Instruments Etc. . . .
Call and see them before you pay 50 per cent, more, for inferior goods. Yours for low prices, N. E. IRISH & CO.,
The Halstead Druggists and Jewelers.
Official Programme.
9: a. m.............Concert by Halstead Band
10: a. m. - Reception of Special Train from Newton
10:30 a m.................Calithumpian Parade
11 A.M........................Assemble at Park
Music by Halstead Band.
Assembly Called to Order by President Dickey Invocation, Rev. W. R. Scott.
Music by Halstead Mandolin Club.
Address of Welcome, Miss Stella Jones. Response, Senator S. T. Danner.
Music by Halstead Band.
Adjournment for Dinner.
1:30 p. m................Assembly Call by Band
Address: Charles E. Branine.
Music: Newton Mandolin Club.
Address. Dr. James McKee.
Music: Halstead Mandolin Club.
Music: Halstead Band
Address: Charles Bucher.
Music: Halstead Band.
Address: George T. Crobarger.
Music: Halstead Mandolin Club.
Five Minute Speeches by Old Settlers.
Election of Officers.
Miscellaneous Business.
3:00 p. M. Somersault race, Boys Under 12 Years. Prizes 75 and 50 cents.
Steeple Chase for persons over 18 years, Prize $3.00 Boat Race; Prizes $1.00 and 50 cents.
Tub Race: Prizes $1;00 and 50 cents.
4:00 p. m. Ball Game, Burrton vs Hesston.
5:30 p. m. Balloon Ascension and Parachute Leap. 0:00 p. M. Tennis Game, Halstead vs Sedgwick at School House Grounds
J. B. Dickey, Newton, President.
Jno. Relph, Prop.
Only the Best Stock Slaughtered. No old Cows.

KAISER'S Restaurant
—Is the best place to go for—
Ice Cream, Cold Drinks, Short Orders and Regular Meals.
Choice line of Confectionery and Cigars.

Of The Old Settlers Association Elected At Annual Meeting in 1898.
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Queensware, Etc.
Chase & Sanborn Tea and Coffee. *£
Halstead, - - - Kansas.
President, J. B. Dickey.
Secretary, J. W. Smith, (Deceased) Sec. (to fill vacancy) N. L. Hinshaw Treasurer, J. A. Welch.
Alta, Dave Woodward.
Burrton, G. W. Page.
Lake, J. W. Shive Lakin, Jos. Wear.
Halstead C. S Brown.
Garden, David Lehman.
Emma, Glenn Logan Macon, O. P. Anderson,
Sedgwick, R. W. Hall.
Richland. A. G. Richardson. Darlington, G. T. Crobarger. Newton, F. T. Jacobs.
Highland, John Hackney.
Walton, J. Deffenbaugh Pleasant, S. T. Danner.

B. WARKENTIN, Pres. & Mgr.
J. LINN, Vice Pres.
J. H. McNAIR, Secy & Sup't.
The Halstead Milling & Elevator Co.
♦ ♦ ♦
Boss Patent True Grit
Second to None Bakers Patent
♦ ♦ ♦
♦ ♦ ♦
Cream of Kansas Checkmate Summit
Never Fails
* * ♦
Capacity 425 Barrels per Day. Elevator Capacity lI0,000 Bu.
On July 5, 1870, I homesteaded on Section 34. It was like 1860, no rain, no crops. In October the Arkansas raised bank full, and the rains east raised Jester, Sand and Emma creeks, they over-flowed and the Little Arkansas carried brush and tree tops up stream. Shortly after the water fell the Quaker colony came. Then there was talk of schools, churches and bridges.
The first colonists, on wheels, were the coal miners, Harry Fields, Andrew Ohlson and Joe williams
The township had a settled community before the carpet-baggers came on the railroad.
Deer, Antelope, Turkey, Prairie Chickens, Fish, Turtle, Wild Geese and ducks were plentiful. Texas cattle were troublesome.
I saw a Mexican herder on the Fields place. I saw that he had been an infantry soldier. Whilestanding there a long, yellow animal jumped out of the weeds for him. He gave a yell and fell, calling for my pistol. I could not get my pony up, but unbuckled my belt and threw it to him. He
O. E. Jones,
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable First Class Rigs at Reasonable Rates.
W. C. Hinkle & Co.,
Shelf and heavy hardware, Tinware, Cutlery Etc.******
When you Buy of us, yon know the price is right.
The preceeding column of reading matter and the column on the following page were written by John N. Cor-gan, of McPherson.
Mr. Corgan pre-empted the claim on which the city of Sedgwick is located, in 1868. So far as we have been able to ascertain, he is our first settler and as such we were much pleased to re- Established 1873.
ceive his photograph from which this I--------------
cutis made. The Publisher.
The Pioneer
The Cheapest
General Merchandise Store in Harvey county. Halstead, Kansas.
Rates $1 per Day.
ice cream,
soon shot and pulled out of the water the largest wild cat I ever saw. I put my hand on his shoulder and said “Bravo, Mexicano.” His horse was drowned and his amunition wet. He was out on a parole from the French army from Mexico. His name was Juan Garciceo, of the Tampio Guard, and a staff sargeant. I let him have my horse and he returned it five days after, loaded down with good meat.
In the winter of 1872 many beaver were in the river. Allen Miller trapped one, and a dutchman came along with a shot-gun, and found the trap, shot the beaver, and brought it down to Miller and sold it to him for one dollar. Miller found him out and loaded his gun, and when they met they agreed to leave the case to me. I insisted that the hide must be left with me for whisky, but they would not agree to this. I then stood by their guns and told them to go out and settle it. The price of the hide was divided and I lost my fees.
With good will to all, I am recruit No. 17, G 4th U. S. Infantry.
I N the year 1869 a real nice young 1 man working in a Chicago drug L | store, caught the Kansas fever bad; as the one cure he came to Kansas in 1870; with lots of hope; good clothes and some money. He wore out the clothes, invested the money and lost it;“then he was stuck on Kansas,” and hoped he could find more money and clothes. For thirty years he has been working away and perhaps he will make it. His name was, and still is “Dickey”. Maybe you know him, In 1870 he tried to mix farming and Texas cattle and is still mixed, whether it was the cattle or the farming that busted him,
Next we find him running a post office for his uncle Sam. He kept telling the department how to run the P. O. but they wouldn’t, so he resigned, (his salary being stopped just before and not after his resignation) About this time the Santa Fe Ry. borrowed a lot of money down among his Yankee relations, to build west; and in 1871 both came to Newton. The railway lacked stability of character.
Dr. E. J. McKEE,
Resident Dentist
Halstead, Kansas.
All Kinds of Dental work Neatly Done.
^“Painless Extraction.
The Roller Custom Mill.
W. D. Mierau, Prop.
Our Exchange Rate is the most liberal.
Your Wheat made into Flour at 12 1/2 c bu.
Feed Mill is in Constant Operation.
Give Me a Trial.
Halstead, Kans.




Old Settlers, Stand by the firm of
They Have been your Friend in need once, and are all the Time.
Riesen & Dyck.
♦ ♦
Instead of staying and help build up the country, went west and south, but the young man stayed, is still staying. The stock which he bought proved a “Drug’’ on his hands. He wallpapered the stock in excellent shape and also watched it (both gold and silver), yet like Kansas corn stalks, the stock still grew.
Now to Kansas proper. He likes K-s., we all like K-s. The first summer he was here he thought Kansas was the hottest potato in the oven and each summer since has coufirmed his opinion. Kansas fools them all. About the time the whole Nation feels sorry for poor Kansas, she up and raises sixty million bushels of wheat and sells it to Joseph Leiter and the eastern plutes aud trasfers the gold (standard) from their stockings to Kansas pockets; as also just when Kansas is being held up as the model prohibition state, she “stalks” out “corn-ed” as never a state was corned before, and proudly asserts she can furnish “Kernels” for all armies (and peoples) of the earth. Let the east tumble to herself, quit
worrying over Kansas and the Philli-pine question. Kansas can take care of both herself and the Phillipines, as our Kansas troops are there headed by our Funston.
F. T. Jacobs, Vice-President Newton Tp.
PT. JACOBS left Franklyn county, Iowa, on the 1st aday of September 1872, for ^Kansas, with the intention of hunting up a home and investing in some of the cheap lands to be had at that time. After traveling through western Missouri and eastern Kansas without forming a very favorable impression of the country, as a farming country for a poor man to locate in, started for Wichita, where he arrived in due time and after stopping there a day or so, joined a party of about thirty men and boys going on a buffalo hunt. After going as far west as Medicine Lodge and having a big time hunting and chewing buffalo steak, returned to Wichita in about one week and determined to return to Iowa, for as yet was not favorably
W. H. Cheatum,
furniture, carpets, Sewing Machines, and MusicaI Instruments.
Undertaking Goods, Bicycles and repairs a specialty.
I have a large line of new goods to select from at reasonable rates.
Halstead, - - Kansas.
I am not going out of business, but all summer goods are going at closing out prices.
John Berger & Son,
Harness, Saddles Fly Nets, Robes etc.
Hand Made Harness a Specialty.
Halstead, - - Kansas.
John Lehmann,
The Pioneer
Keeps a Shoe Store North of the Post Office, Drop in and see him when in the City. Established 1874.
enough impressed to think of pitching his tent in Kansas. From Wichita he drove for Newton, and after getting near there he became so favorably impressed with the many little claim houses that dotted the prairie in every direction and especially with the beautiful appearance Newton presented to one just returning from the great prairies of the west, that he concluded to stop and take a good look at this part of the country. After a few days he decided to locate in Harvey county and purchased Section live in Macon Township, of the Santa Fe Ry. Co., which has proven to be a good investment. On the 10th day of November, 1872, he commenced the erection of a house on this section and lived there until the spring of 1885, when he moved to Newton and engaged in the lumber business and has remained there since. Mr. Jacobs says he has been both fortunate and unfortunate in Kansas and sometimes thinks there are better places However, after visiting other states and returning to Kansas it appears as inviting as ever, he also believes that anyone who makes judicious use of their time will succeed as well in Kansas as in other states.
N. L. Hinshaw, Secretary Elect.

N. L. Hinshaw was born in Ra n d o 1 p h Co. Ind, Oct. 7, ’52, of Quaker par-entage. In April 1870 he came to Kansas stopping in the county of Doug-lass a short time, then to Emporia where the first year in Kansas was spent.
In April ’71 he returned to Indiana with the usual result. (Anyone seeing the wide rolling prairies and breathing the pure, fresh, exh Herat* ingair of Kansas is not satisfied until they return. It was so with Mr. Hinshaw, he returned, and in ’72 took a pre-emption claim in the corner of Reno Co., twenty miles north west of Halstead In December ’74 he sold

stF£ncyad Groceries.
Highest Price for Produce
Halstead, - - - Kansas.
Remember that the Best.
in the city is to be found at
Herrick’s Bakery.
Try us for Cold Drinks and anything in the Bakery Line.
Furniture. Carpets. Mouldings New Stock, Up-to-Date Goods. My Prices are Right. I won’t be Undersold. Undertaking a Specialty. Practical Embalming. Personal attention to funerals, Courteous treatment to all. Come and see me. Second door South Ruth’s old Stand. W.P. HAYWOOD Halstead. Kansas. the claim and married Miss Alice J. Walker, moving on to a farm two miles north of Halstead where he followed farming until the spring of ’95 when he sold out and moved to Halstead where he has since resided. He has been closely connected with many of the secret societies; serving as secretary for several years in the Odd Fellows (three branches), the Knights of Pythias, A. O. U. W. and others; was township trustee in ’96 and served the township as clerk a number of years and was city clerk
Schowalter & Eymann, one term.
jtjtjtDealers in.jtjtjs
Lumber and ihe
Building Material.
Let us figure with you on the next bill of Lumber. Our customers save money on every purchase. Halstead, - - Kansas.
A. G. Richardson, Vice President Richland Township.
Y experience was but very little different from many others here.
In the spring of 1870 I fit-
ted out a team of mules and a wagon at Kansas City, Mo. There was no railroads then,all transporting in this part of the world was done with mules and oxen. I started out south west to find my claim. I had read of the claim in the first chapters of Gen-e-sis how the man lost it by listening to his wife’s stories. I had no wife, so was not afraid of losing my claim.
I was like all the rest, I intended to keep hunting until I found what 1 was looking for. I did not find the old cabin Adam left, but found the tents and wagon covers would leak and the mules and oxen get tired and hungry; therefore concluded to settle down where night overtook me. In the last of March I built a cabin and settled on Sec. 12, Richland Tp. The
nearest hardware store was at Em-
J. LINN, President. J. H. McNAIR. Cashier. M. S. INCALLS, Vice Pres. J. H. LINN, Ass’T. Cash.
The Halstead Bank.
Capital $20,000.
A General Banking Business Transacted
Dry Goods. Notions. Groceries. Hardware. Tinware. Glassware.
The Halstead Racket.
Fruit. Eggs. Butter. Poultry.
P. P. # Carbiener 9 Headquarters for Staple and Fancy
^U^Groceries r- Give me a trial.
SEDGWICK & CO.. Always pay the Higeest Price For Poultry and Eggs. Halstead, - - Kansas,
poria and the nearest lumber yard at Junction City. The post office was at El Dorado, twenty-five miles away. Wichita had 2 or 3 houses and a stockade. The Indians were on the trail all the time’
In June and July, 1869, Howard Neiman, Hubbard Wilcox and Wm. Lawrence settled in Richland Tp. and living here in Harvey county when I came in March 1870. The nearest neighbors were 8 miles east, north on the K. P. Ry. and west to the mountains. Somebody’s old sow never root ed up the “tater patch” nor the turkeys and chickens never strayed away from home. We lived in Arcadian bliss; no gossip, no neighborhood quarrels and not a girl within ten miles of us.
From March ’70 to March ’71, I made nine trips to Emporia and Cottonwood Falls, and one to Junction City, forsupplies and lumber for building. There was no need to follow the old beaten paths, could lay out one of your own—straight across the country. No notice to “Keep off the grass.”
No law to compel you to stick in the same mud hole where others had stuck.
The old cattlemen on the Cottonwood, Cedar and Whitewater, said we can’t raise grain on the prairies. We thought if we could raise grass as high as your head, on a mule, we could raise grain and make homes on the prairie.
In June 1871 the railroad was built to Newton and post offices were established in the county, with mail two or three limes a week. In 1871 we commenced to plow and plant, with good crops in 1871-2-3. In 1874 we raised grasshoppers, and some of us had no wife's folks to go back east to visit. Just had to stay and glad of corn pone to eat with our grasshopper soup.
J. G. Lohmann,
--Proprietor of-
The Pump and Byke
D. S. Marcy, [ i
Coal Dealer. A. C GAISER,
Real Estate and Insurance. Star Barber Shop.
Located in Garden Township Halstead, Kans.
1876. Halstead, - - -Kansas.
H. L. Osborne,
St Paul
VanArsdale & Osborne,
General Agents Farm Department,
Fire and Marine Insurance Co
r Write For Rates Etc,
Hail Insurance in Season,
Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes,
Hats and Furnishing Goods.
Our stock is complete in every particular and the prices are always Right. Country produce Wanted at all times.
J. A. Welch, Burrton, Kansas. Treasurer of the Harvey County Old Settlers' Association.
Hardware, Stoves, Buggies, Wagons, Windmills and Farm Implements.
Agents For^>
Columbia Buggies, J. I Case Plows, Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines,
A. WELCH was born in Edgar county Illinois November 24, 1834. Emigrated with bis parents to Iowa in 1843, lived on a farm until 1854 when be crossed the plains, overland, for California with a cattle train, reaching Old Hang-town after a four months drive After three years mining in search of gold, returned to Iowa in 1857, attended school and taught school until 1861, then enlisted in the Union army, was discharged for disability, in summer of 1862, returned to Iowa and engaged in farming, but on account of poor health had to give it up and engage in the mercantile business, continued this business for twenty years, moved to Burrton, Kansas in 1882, have been engaged in mercantile and banking business ever since.
Cole’s Hot-Blast Heating stoves.
G. T. Crobarger, Vice Pres , Darlington,
WAS on my way to Kansas when born in 1851 at foot of the Blue Ridge mountains, where the sun sets three hours before dark. Familiar with the sound of the whippor-will in spring, the bumble bee in summer, the corn shuckings in the fall and the fox chase in winter. The ravages of the great war separated me from the ‘ Old Dominion,” the home of so many illustrious men, the land of sweet cherries and chinquapins.
That voice, “Go West,” that calls to every true American once, at least, came to me and in 1866 1 followed the course of “Empire” westward.
On the train, at break of day, in the good old state of Illinois, my eyes beheld their first prairie horizon, that
J. W. Shive, President. W. O. VanArsdale, Vice Pres.
G. II. Welch, Cashier.
Burrton State Bank.
Capital $10,000.00.
J. W. Shive, W. O. VanArsdale, J. A. Welch,
D. H. Jones, G. H. Welch.
Harness, Saddles Fly Nets, Robes etc.
Established 1879.
Oldest Business Man in Burrton.
Burrton, - Kansas.
Palace Drug Store.
Burrton, Kansas.
Headquarters for School Books and School Supplies Artists Material, Drugs, Chemicals, Medicines, Oils, Glass, Putty Etc. Physicians Prescriptions and Family Receipts accurately Compounded.
—The Wilson-Drug and Hardware Co.
Burrton, Kansas.
Hardware and Implements.
Bain and Weber Farm Wagons, Ideal and I. X. L. Wind Mills.
Fine Buggies and Road Wagons.
Agency for Garland Stoves and Ranges.
youthful and stubborn notion that the earth is not round, passed from me forever. Here I could see the curve of the earth, all men appeared to be on a level, the opportunities of life appeared boundless, distance was shortened and every man could be your neighbor. I found the people and their institutions in keeping with these impressions. Especially did the system of free schools impress a poor ignorant boy, hardly able to spell “baker,” who had a thirst for knowledge but never dreamed that schools could be free.
Near Peoria, Illinois, in due time I acquired a somewhat liberal educa-tioon and married, as I’ve always thought, the prettiest girl in the college. Soon after this, in 1873, father Parmele and I came west to Kansas, landing at Newton in April, with a carload of horses and tools The balance of the story is the common property of the children of Harvey county. They have all heard how treeless and houseless was this prairie when we began; how we lived in shan-
ties and sod houses at first, for we were mostly poor people and could not buy lumber at $50 per thousand. Our meat was largely buffalo, taken on the prairie, or sold in common with “cow beef” by the butchers at the same price.
The settlers were largely young men, who had girls back east, who in due time came to Kansas too with a very definate purpose, and are here today,
Among the original settlers of Darlington township, who greatly assisted in developing our county, who have passed away never to be forgotten, are C. P. ParmeIe, O. B. Hildreth and Thos. Fife. A few of the original settlers still remain in the township: J. K. Clark, J. C. Wright, D. B. Knowlton, O. V Gingrass, Robert Turner, Tom Morrison, E. J. Doty, J. A. Perrine and several others,
Blanpied & Sons,
Grain and Coal.
Meal and feed mill in connection.
See us before you sell your grain or Buy your Threshing Coal.
Carries a Full and Complete Line of
Restaurant and Short Order Business a Specialty.
W. L. Daily, Attorney. Burrton, Kans.

Furniture. Carpets. Mouldings
New Stock, Up-to-Date Goods,
My Prices are Right. I won’t be Undersold.
Undertaking a Specialty
Personal attention to funerals, Courteous treatment to all. Come and see me.
Burrton, Kans E. B. HARRINGTON
— Proprietor of-
The Corner Restaurant.
Ice Cream and Summer Drinks.
Burrton, Kansas.
S. T. Danner, Vice President Pleasant Tp.
school in
T. DANNER was born Oct. 12, 1839, in Rush county, Ind. His early life was spent on a farm, attending the district the winter, making maple
sugar and doing ordinary farm work, such as piling brush and picking trash in“the clearing” in the spring; hoeing corn and such other delightful diverse-ments during the summer and gathering Walnuts, Hickory nuts and Chinca-pins in the fall.
He attended Hanover college, Ind., and Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Served three years in the Union army from’61 to 64; first in the 37th Ind. Vol. Inf., then on detached service in the “Pioneer Brigade” Army of the Cumberland and finally as First, Lieut, in Co. A, 12th U. S. Colored Infantry.
Returning from the army he taught school, sold sugar, shoes, hoop skirts and calico, and farmed.
Removed from Rush Co. Ind., to present home in Harvey county, in 1872.
Educationally an eclectic, religiously a Presbyterian and politically, raised a whig, and, since its formation has been a member of the Republican party.
I came to Harvey Co. Kansas in
The Burrton Grain Co.,
We pay the top of the market at all times for Grain.
See us for Threshing Coal.
Edwards & Westmacott Lumber Co.
Head Office: Burrton, Kansas,
Lumber and Building Material.
YARDS: Burrton, Sedgwick, Bentley, All we ask is a chance to figure on
Buhler, and Saxman. your bills,
C. W. CHASE, The Old Reliable Shoe Man.
Newton, Kansas.
510 Main Street, Newton, Kans.
April 1872. When I left my Indiana home, my objective point was Hutchinson. Upon reaching Newton I found the railroad ended at that point, so I chartered a seat on a load of lumber going to Hutchinson; passed the present site of Halstead, which was already selected, but the nearest house was half a mile away. Burrton was also a dream of the future.
I spent the first night on the way at the residence of Geo. W. Page, between Halstead and Burrton; the owner of our conveyance living in that vicinity, but have forgotten his name. I reached Hutchinson next day and not liking the looks of the country there, made arrangements with some young men who had a “prairie schooner” to go with them across the Arkansas and down into the headwaters of the Ninneskah, but it set in raining and kept the river up for several days so that it was impassible, and in disgust I turned back to Newton, from there went to Wichita on the second passenger t rain ever run to that place. From there I
struck out on foot to look at some claims on the Whitewater and finally found my way back to Newton. On this trip I passed through Pleasant township and liking the country bought a quarter section of land of the Santa Fe railway, to which I after removed my family and where I have ever since resided.
Of the early settlers of Pleasant township, who were here when I came I name in my immediate neighborhood: the Harlans, Candys, Owens, Kettles, Rays and Manuel. A little later came the Pattons and Wm. Coulter. A little farther away were the Hyatts, Aleck Turner and Jack Simpson, (two-English miners who were fa-milliarly known as “Jack and Aleck.” Aleck is long since dead, but Jack still holds the fort). Capt. May, Phil Richards, Jonathan Wood, Billy Cole, the Johnsons (present Probate Judge) the Varleys, Wm. Maginley, The Masters. Jerry Wilcox, Dr. Foster, Morgan, Roger Davis and others I have not space to name. Of these early settlers but few remain, Many
J,W, Trousdale, Pres.
J. C. Nicholson, Vice Pres.
Don Kinney, Cashier.
The Midland National Bank.
Capital $50,000.00.
Newton, - Kansas.
Continental Insurance Company of New York.
Cash Surplus January 1st. 1899, $3,479,000,
Farm Insurance of Every Description. Fire, Lightning and Cyclone. The prompt adjustment of losses by this company makes it a very desirable company to transact business with.
C. M. Glover, Agent,
Corner 6th. and Main St. Newton, Kansas,
Made in
Murphy's Life-Size Photographs.
McGraw & Woulfe
•> ❖ Dealers in *
Coal, Wood, Stone and Grain.
----^ ------
Office: 122 East Third St.
Newton, U. S. A.
are dead, others are scattered far and wide in other counties and distant states. It would be a labor of love to follow each one and write something of their life’s wanderings,but the limitations of space set upon me forbid.
Newton was but a straggling village extending along Main St. from the railroad to the present site of the post office When I first arrived there I put up at the Bently house on the N. W. corner of Main and 6th streets. I wanted, a year later, to buy a team of horses and one Lovett or Lovell, of Newton, said he had horses to sell; he took me out west of Main street and showed me some scraggy Indian ponies, and when mildly intimating they were not just the kind I wanted for farm horses, he swore he did not believe I wanted any horses, and I rather looked for a six shooter to compel me to think differently, but it didn't and I am here to tell the tale.
During the season of 1871, Texas cattle had been brought into the country and as a consequence many of the settlers lost many of their cows with
the dreaded Texas Fever.
During the summer of ’72 the residents of Pleasant township called a meeting at the home of L. G. Harlan and organized to resist the bringing of any Texas cattle into our vicinity; the writer was chosen one of the offi- cers of the “Regulators,” but fortu-nately we were not called upon to do any “regulating.”
But I find this a very prolific subject and 1 haye already exceeded the space allotted me.
S. Lehman, Pres. A. B. Gilbert, Cash.
C. W. Goss, Vice Pres. | G. T Kaestner Asst.
THIS Bank is the oldest in the city and has done business at its present stand for fifteen years. It does a general banking business.
Senator Danner, who wrote the above article, enjoys the distinction of having made more political speeches in Harvey Co. than any other man, living or dead. He is a radical Republican, has served as County Superintendent and State Senator, and if reports are true is willing to try the job again. The Editor.

A Good Polish.
If your linen isn’t done up satisfactory send your bundle here so we can show you what high class laundry work really is. We can renovate your soiled linen in a manner that is equal to new, and give you satisfaction every time Give us a trial bundle.
115 W. 5th St. F. B. PETERS, Prop.
a ..Newton ^^Music House.
High grade goods from this house cost no more than inferior instruments from irresponsible parties.
508 Main Street. Newton, Kansas.
Newton Buggies.
We have a number of the celebrated Newton Buggies, to close out at about one half the usual price. We need the room and must quit the Buggy business.
If you need a a buggy, it will pay you to sec our line.
508 Main Street. Newton, Kansas.
John W. Smith, Deceased.
Secretary of the Old Settlers Association Since its Organization.
J. W. SMITH was born in North Caro. lina, July 30, 1836. Married to Miss Hannah Little at Wayne Co Ind in 1836. Was a member of of the under ground railroad d u ring the war. Be-ing a member of F r i e n d s ’ church he did not believe it was right to kill, but he served his country another way.
Came to Kansas in the fall of 1870 and homesteaded the s. w. 1/4 of Section 10, Halstead township, which was known later, on the old county maps,
as “Hillside Farm” which was a Government post office on stage line from McPherson to Newton before Halstead was started. At that time the nearest railroad station was at Emporia. He hauled lumber from that place to build his 10x12 box shanty in which himself and wife and seven children lived for some time.
Buffalo were still numerous, often coming within gunshot of the cabin. Mr. Smith was the first Trustee of Halstead township after it was organized, succeeding John N. Corgan, who was elected before the organization and who was the first official of the township.
He stayed through the ravages of Texas cattle, grasshoppers and drouth and after many years of successful farming, moved to Halstead in 1889 He held the office of City clerk six years and was mayor of the town one term. His death occurred April 22, 1899.
Mr. Smith was elected secretary of the Old Settlers’ Association at the time it was organized, and served continuously until his death.
The Newton
Milling & Elevator Comp’y.
Capacity, 450 Bbls per Day.
Our Brands of Flour have a World-Wide Reputation. Milling Wheat Wanted at All Times.
J. W. Regier, Pres’t., Elbing, Kas. J. R. Toews, Sec'y., Newton Kas.
P. Loewen, Vice-Prest., Aulne, Kas. D. Langenwalter, Treas. Halstead.
Mennonite Mutual Fire Insurance Company.
(Incorporated December 11, 1880.)
J, R. TOEWS, Secretary.
5. M. Swartz Lumber Co.,
Main Street, Newton, Kans.
Best Grades, Lowest prices on all kinds of Material.
Take Your Meals at..
The Bon Ton Restaurant.
Thad Mitchner, Prop.
Ice Cream and Soft Drinks.
...Choice line of Candies...
Newton, Kansas.
G. F. Benthusen, Vice President, Halstead Township.
WHEN I left Rockford, Ill for the West, in Jan. 1871, to seek a home in the then unsettled c o u n try beyond the Missouri. I had no principle place in view-Kansas City did not suit me and I pushed for the frontier, over the Santa Fe to Topeka, where I slept my first night in the 10 x 12 depot. It was then a God-forsaken town and everybody looked to me like a highwayman. Thinking it was no place for me, but still hopeful of reaching “the promised land,” I went to Emporia where I joined a party bound for the military post at
Wichita. We spent our first night on the trip at Cottonwood Falls. After turning in for the night, the stock was restless and noisy and upon awakening in the morning found four inches of snow. This made traveling the next day rather bad and as there was eight in the party, only two were allowed to ride at a time. The others tramped through the snow by turns. We camped that night near where Florence is now located. In the morning we tried to find the town which consisted of two or three little shanties. The following day we reached the present townsite of Newton and pressed on to Sedgwick City. Tired of that course we turned north on the old Abilene trail until I found the claim on which I finally located and which has ever since been in my po-session.
After viewing the claim and having it surveyed by Wm. Finn, who is now a merchant at Sedgwick, I went to Augusta and made the filing Feb. 22 l871 After the filing, I found my finances low and returned to Emporia
Dealers in
Furniture, Curpets, Curtains.
Stoves, Queensware and Undertaking.
Newton. : : Kansas.
Groceries, Shoes and Dry Goods.
Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs.
Newton, - Kansas.
Peninsular Stoves and Ranges, Buggies and Farm Machinery, Go to
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
Carriages, Buggies, Farm Wagons and Bicycles.
138-140 East 6th St.
Newton, - - Kans.

for work but did not find what I wanted. Took the back track and worked a few days at Florence, then returned to Newton in June and helped to build the second house on the townsite. Excitement was high, work plentiful and labor scarce and for three months made an average of twelve dollars a day by contracting and building.
About this time the Texas cattle began to arrive and the cow-boys and gamblers took possession of the town.
In August Texas Bill was killed in a row and I had the job of making his coffin, which was the first one ever used in the county.
The night of the big killing in Newton I was lying in a little shanty close to the scene of operation and the balls came buzzing through my room at such a lively rate that I crawled out of the bunk and rolled in the blanket on the floor. A reign of terror prevailed and it was difficult to get a man of nerve enough to act as Marshal.
I did the first breaking on the claim
in the fall and in November ’71 the family arrived from Illinois. In the spring of ‘72 I went to Wichita, to work, and upon one of my visits home, while we were seated about the shanty, the door was suddenly opened and two big Indians pushed themselves into the room. By signs and a few words of English, which one Indian possessed, we knew they wanted matches and meat. Thinking the best way to dispose of them was to feed them, we put them to the table and they gorged themselves, after which they cleaned the table and filled their pockets. When they were ordered away and left they joined a band of several hundred Indians camped a few miles away and who were returning from a hunt to Council Grove.
The first settlers were John Corgan. Allen Miller, Edgar Brown and few others whose names I do not now recall. Shortly afterwards the Quaker settlement was made, among whom were the late John W. Smith and Alfred Allen.

The Best Photos
Are the Cheapest in the End. Tripp has always made the Best. He will continue to make the best in the future. Go and see his latest work.
The Eagle Milling Go.
East 6th. St- Newton, Kas.
Manufacturers HIGH GRADE FLOUR.
We pay the top of the Market at all times for choice Milling wheat-

The Old Reliable
Furniture Store of Harvey County -2*
Edwards & Schumacher.
A Short Sketch of the Organization Which Has Grown to be Such a Pretentious Affair.
As for our other lines of business
our work will show. 507-509 Main St.
Day 'Phone 87, Night 'Phone 72.... Newton, KaS.
The Palace Stables.
Good Rigs and feeding accommodations
for farmers.
East 6th St. Newton, Kans.
Pursuant to a call issued by a number of the early residents of Harvey county, a meeting was held in the Halstead Opera House, July 21, 1888, for the purpose of arranging for an Old Settlers’ Picnic and the perfecting of a permanent organization, It was decided to hold the picnic in the Halstead Grove, on Thursday, August 9 and committees were appointed to carry out the arrangements.
The following officers were elected:
President, C. S. Bowman;
1st Vice Pres., G F .Benthusen.
2d “ “ J. C. Walker;
3d “ “ R, W. Hall;
Secretary, John W. Smith;
Treasurer, J. B. Dickey;
Compiler, A. L. Green.
On that date the first picnic was
held, with an attendance of about one thousand. An excellent, program was given and the principal address was made by Hon. A. L. Green, of Newton.
It was decided to hold the next meeting in Halstead on the last Thursday in August, 1889. A committee consisting of G. W. Branine,of Newton; J. W. Shive, of Lake and T. R. Oldham, of Walton was appointed on constitution. The records of the next meeting show that the committee made a report which was adopted but no trace of it can be found. In consequence there is no constitution to govern the organiza-
tion. Nobody seems to know who is entitled to be called an Old settler and from the way in which the crowd enjoys itself, nobody cares. It would seem, though, that some action on this question should be taken at the present meeting. During the past year the ranks of the officers of the Association have been invaded by death, and three of the most efficient members have passed to the
Vienna Restaurant,
Grant Johnson, Prop.
Try your Meals at the Vienna, the next time you are in Newton.
The People’s Grocery.
W. E- Grove, Prop. Established 1882.
@^<j) <3>x7&j
502 Main Street, Newton, Kansas.
Oldest Livery Man in Newton.
Horses and Mules Bought and Sold.
Livery Feed and Sale Stables.
FARMERS all agree that my feed sheds are the best in this part of the state.
Hacks for Weddings.
Picnic Wagons for pleasure. Rubber Tire Rigs for comfort Stylish Turnouts.
Heavy Transfer Wagons.
WEST 6th. ST.,
great beyond. Their lives, as pioneers, have been closed and their pleasant faces will be missed in the park today.
Those who died were Secretary John W. Smith, or Halstead, who located his claim in Halstead township in October 1870.
John Hackney, vice president for Highland township, who located in 1871 and David Woodward for Alta, who located in that township in 1871.
C. S. Brown, the vice president for Halstead township removed from the state and G. F. Benthusen was elected to fill the vacancy.
One price Clothiers.
N. Barman & Co.
517 Main Street, Newton, Kansas.
Our Stock of Hats and furnishings Second to None in the State.
No Chance for Argument
there will be when you compare our laundry work with that done anywhere else in this town. We strive to excel, and not to rival, and we do it. Shirts, collars and cuffs are done up in a manner that defies competition. Our laundry work is artistic and beautiful in its color and finish.
Burgener & Burgener, Newton.
P. Lander, Prest. W. J. Puett, Vice Pres. E. S. McLain, See.
Kansas Mortgage & Investm't Co.
Incorporated May '94.
Insurance, Bonded Abstracters and Notaries Public. Farm Loans wanted at 7 per cent, interest and no commission. Money ready when papers are signed.
Newton, - - Kansas.
About the Advertisers.
Old Settlers and new settlers, as well, will find the business firms, whose advertisements made it possible to issue this program and souvenir, to be thorougly reliable in every way. Their liberality in the matter of taking space should and we believe will be appreciated by all who peruse the columns of this pamphlet-
Printed this Souvenir and Programme.
Let us... do your
After the page with the official proprogramme had been printed, a communication was received by the Committee from Governor Stanley stating that he would be here and make the address. He will speak at 2 o’clock.
E. J. BOOK WALTER, Publisher*

r %
the Old Settlers of Harvey county, who, by their toil, pat-tience, and perseverance have done so much to build up the greatness of the state, we wish to thank for their liberal patronage in past years.
We take this way of telling them that our highest aim is to retain the preference they have shown for us in the past. ^
^ ^ ^
Formerly HANLIN'S 603-5-7 Main St. The Racket. Newton, Ks.

: Remember 1

Newton Big Street Fair
° ♦

and Carnival....

October 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6, 1899.
A Solid Week of Amusement.
The Greatest Event Ever Held in Central Kansas.

Original Format


8.25 inches x 5.25 inches